Having left Broadstairs in 1970 and lived in Hereford since 1988 I had never met another Old Ruymian. Today however working as a Volunteer Covid 19 vaccinator I did! Our conversation went as follows:
Graham Sole: I am going to give you a dose of the Pfizer vaccine.
Richard Wills : Oh did you know they used to have a factory in Sandwich.
GS : Yes I do, I went to school in Ramsgate.
RW: Did you go to Chatham house.
GS : yes I left in 1970
RW : I left in 1971.
We then both spontaneously and almost synchronously listed many of the teachers of the time: Dave Cookson, Tex Willard, Mr Lane, Mr Gregg, Bonso Bateman to mention but a few. Sadly the queue was building up by this time and we had to move on. It is interesting to reflect on how easily we remembered our inspirational teachers 50 years on.
Best wishes, Graham Sole
18th Feb 2021
Bio: Born 1951
Chatham house 1963 to 1970 - Brackenbury and School (later Heath house).
University College London Medical School.
Consultant Urologist Hereford 1988 to 2016.
I remember Graham Sole as an amazing swimmer who regularly won at the school swiming sports events. This used to be held at the Marina outdoor swimming pool at Eastcliff Ramsgate.
Demolished years ago and now a car park