
Andrew George Field (1927 – 2021)

‘I am writing to let you know that very sadly my father, Andrew George Field, slipped away peacefully and quietly on 17 March 2021 having clocked up an impressive 94 and a bit years.  He caught Covid and was hospitalised for a couple of weeks, and although he recovered and was discharged back to his care home, Bedford Charter House, he became increasingly unwell and frail.

He was a pupil at Chatham House School and together with the whole school was evacuated to Stafford during WWII.  He went on to Kings College London where he gained a Maths degree and a career encompassing valve and then semi-conductor technology, a period at NEDC at Millbank and finally running his own business, a franchise of Manpower with offices in Bedford, Stevenage, Harlow and Welwyn Garden City.  He retired in 1992.  He had four children, nine grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.  His wife, Beryl, survives him but unfortunately she is in the grips of late onset Alzheimers and is a resident of a care home.

His funeral will be in Bedford Cemetery on Tuesday 27 April 2021 but with the current restrictions the numbers are limited to family only.  We have set up a Just Giving page in Dad’s memory to raise funds for Sarcoidosis UK a charity Mum and Dad supported and raised funds for in memory of our late brother, their eldest son. http://justgiving.com/fundraising/agfsarcoidosisuk

Dad enjoyed the reunions of the Old Ruymians very much.’

Kind regards

Sheila Cowley


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