We are pleased to announce that Bookings for the Old Ruymians' Club Annual Reunion Dinner are now being taken! You can download a copy of the Booking Form here. The Menu selection is also available for viewing or download here.
We are delighted to have, as our guest speaker this year, Mr Blake Dark, an old boy of the School, and who was responsible for the procurement of medicines for NHS England. NHS England’s chief negotiator with the pharmaceutical industry and Senior Responsible Officer for the broader cross-organisational Medicines Value Program. He was also Interim Chief Commercial Officer of NHS England and member of NHSE Executive Committee. His talk, entitled “Medical Miracles: The Breakthroughs That Changed Lives” concentrates on how Hepatitis C was cured and how Cystic Fibrosis was transformed for patients.
Apart from that we will have the great opportunity to once again sing the School Song, written by John William Mann as well as meet old friends as well as make new friends from other year groups.
Our Hon. Secretary will also be on hand to sign copies of his book "The Chatham House Story" for those of you who have bought a copy and would like the opportunity to get the author's signature!
We very much look forward to seeing you there.