We were delighted to be sent this after-dinner toast by William Askew (b.1930 – ); given by him at the Old Ruymians’ Club Annual Reunion Dinner at the Houses of [ … ]
Category: Anecdote
Favourite anecdotes or tales. Hopefully not to reverent.
1997 Promotional Video
The Hon Sec has uncovered a Chatham House promotional video from c1997, showing the Head Teacher at the time, J D Matthews, buildings, staff and pupils. If you would like [ … ]
A Rare Meeting
Having left Broadstairs in 1970 and lived in Hereford since 1988 I had never met another Old Ruymian. Today however working as a Volunteer Covid 19 vaccinator I did! Our [ … ]
My Chatham House Schooldays
My Chatham House Schooldays From days of youth and carefree bliss Sweet memories still of school The countless days 1 reminisce When we were taught by rule L was fifty [ … ]
Tommy 90 Not Out
Sadly the big event organised by Terry Gilliland to celebrate Tommy’s 90th birthday had to be postponed due to Covid restrictions. Terry did however organise a small event to celebrate [ … ]
Rugby Colts 1948 – Where are they now?
Many thanks to Joan Mortimer who sent us this photo, with the message below. “Hello from Australia, it might be that Mike and Bonnie have been superseded by other [ … ]
OR Golf Day Friday 24th April 2020
Once again North Foreland Golf Club was chosen to be the venue for the Old Ruymian Golf Day 2020. Boasting a fine clubhouse and a well-prepared course, we were looking [ … ]
Gypsy Tart in the Sixties
Gypsy Tart; who remembers the excitement that swept the Dinner Hall when it was discovered that this heaven sent desert was included on the dinner menu for that day? I [ … ]
CHS Hockey Easter 1968 Liege
At the Easter break in 1968, I think, CHS sent a Hockey Team to Belgium, I was part of that team. We were guests of Standard Liege Hockey Club, who [ … ]
Writers Wanted
No, this man is not wanted by the Kent Police, he is actually Iain Aitch author, writer, creative, personality and former pupil at CHS & CCHGS. After deciding that Shakespeare [ … ]
5C Fifty Years On
On 5th June, members of Form 5C (1964/1965) met up again after the small gap of over fifty years. Most had already celebrated, whilst the remainder were about to celebrate, [ … ]
Class of 49 Reunion
For several years now old friends Fred Curzon, Roger Baker, Geoff Hillier and Barry Grace, with their wives, have enjoyed an annual reunion lunch. This year the occasion was timed [ … ]