For several years now old friends Fred Curzon, Roger Baker, Geoff Hillier and Barry Grace, with their wives, have enjoyed an annual reunion lunch. This year the occasion was timed [ … ]
Category: Social
Social and sporting events future and past
Old Ruymians Golf Day Friday 20th April 2018
Nicol Holladay, Antony Nicolaou, Peter Arnold In a break with tradition, the Old Ruymians ninth annual golf day ventured outside of the Isle of Thanet and was hosted at the [ … ]
Old Ruymians v School Cricket 2018
We do not have a ‘blow by blow’ report, but sadly the ORs lost to the School this year. The ORs team consisted of:- Luke Palmer (captain), Chris Ross, Andrew [ … ]
Old Ruymians Dinner 2018
Your previous committee were very busy leading up to this year’s AGM and Reunion Dinner, updating all the paperwork and planning how to notify the membership as efficiently and cost [ … ]