The Masters… Who’d like to put a date on this one? We’re guessing 1955/58… Lots of familiar faces to us! A young Maurice Jordan, for instance. As usual, we’ll leave [ … ]
Category: Team Photo
People always enjoy browsing old photos. Many of these have been lost in our many moves and adventures. However, here is an opportunity to share those that you have with others and to find out the names of any you may have forgotten!
Colts Rugby XV 1962-1963
Many thanks to Terry Keane who provided this photograph of the Colts Rugby XV from 1962-1963. The reverse of the photo provided some autographs from the esteemed players. Terry identified [ … ]
Seeds of Cricket in Ramsgate
Bob Lee, amateur local historian, Old Ruymian and formerly a keen cricketer has unearthed a number of interesting items regarding cricket at the Chatham & Clarendon Chatham Street site and [ … ]
Junior School July 1963
Here is a carefully reconstructed version of most of the Junior School photo from July 1963. In the tradition of Kintsugi (the Japanese art of mending broken pots) selected scans [ … ]
Prefects with Bill Pearce
All contributions and comments gratefully received. John Stroud has kindly informed us that this photo was taken in July 1963. The line up is as follows: Back row standing [ … ]
Feathers Rugby XV 1958
If you know anything about these guys, names, dates etc then please add a comment or email Thank you Ken Girkin here with a young rugby team. Tommy writes: [ … ]
Hockey 2nd XI 1963
A big thank you to John Stroud and Pete Somerfield for their comprehensive info and report. Please feel free to add a comment or email Thank you Tommy says: [ … ]
Rugby Colts 1948 – Where are they now?
Many thanks to Joan Mortimer who sent us this photo, with the message below. “Hello from Australia, it might be that Mike and Bonnie have been superseded by other [ … ]
CHS Junior Cricket 1959
CHS Hockey Easter 1968 Liege
At the Easter break in 1968, I think, CHS sent a Hockey Team to Belgium, I was part of that team. We were guests of Standard Liege Hockey Club, who [ … ]
Rugby 1st XV 1996
Graham Hall, Simon Wingate, Danny Williams, David Potter, Richard Case, Andrew Wills, Ian Griffis, Stewart Fassom, John Robertshaw Dave Hooper, Marc Hasler, Edward Mayo, Matthew Corker, Mark Williams, Glen Rideout, [ … ]
2yr Hockey 1968
Back Row: Al Scott, Bob Green, Colin Harris, John Knight, Bob Haynes, Clive Cant, Tony Debling, Tim Dunkerley Front Row: Phil Stevens, Dave Miller, Tim Dixon, Martin Gilham, Martin Davis [ … ]