


Mike Tyrrell


Social Events

John Copeland



Janet Hughes


School Representative

Sue Hurrell

Hon Secretary

David Carr


Committee Member


Hon President

Colin Harvey


Committee Member

Geoff Ward


Website & Facebook



The faces of the committee may be familiar to you even if you were not able to recall their names! The committee is always delighted to hear from any members or others connected with the school and their emails have been provided. We would also be happy to hear from anyone who would be willing to help run events or to write articles for the website.

More up to date photographs of the incumbents will be published in due course.

Feedback to admin@oldruymians.co.uk is always welcome.

Anthony Kevin “Tony” Jones

Anthony Kevin “Tony” Jones (12 March 1956 – 3 January 2025) Following the passing of Anthony “Tony” Jones in January, we can confirm that his funeral will be held on [ … ]

Old Ruymians’ Club Equality and Diversity Statement, 2024

The Old Ruymians’ Club are pleased to have updated their Equality and Diversity Statement and the latest version, dated 4 December 2024, is available here.

Newsletter #13 October 2022

Chairman’s Report October 2022 This, the latest newsletter, has been possible after we recently received a large number of articles which are included. You will find the minutes of the [ … ]

AGM Saturday 30th June 2018

Opening and welcome address by the Chairman 13 OR voting club members attended the meeting, including the following committee members: President – Colin Harvey Chairman – Mike Tyrrell, Secretary – [ … ]


Attending the Old Ruymians AGM is an important activity for any and every Member of the Old Ruymians' Club. In the last few years it has been held in what many of us remember as the Headmaster's Study, which is now a Staff Training Room. It is not only an opportunity to meet the Committee who are working hard on your behalf throughout the year, but also to make your views about the Club and its future heard. The Committee always listens to the voice of its Members and you will get to hear not only what has happened over the previous year but also, arguably more importantly, what will happen in the coming year. New Members are particularly welcome, as they are the future of the Club, and it is important that they contribute to the Meeting.  Happily the Annual General Meeting of the Old Ruymians' Club occurs immediately before the Annual Reunion Dinner in the Dining Hall, with an adequate pause to allow much-needed refreshment to be obtained, usually of an alcoholic nature, from the temporary Bar in the Dining Hall before sitting down to dine. The next AGM is scheduled for Saturday 28th June 2025. If you are a Member you are very welcome to attend.