Please find answers to the most commonly asked questions about our web site and club membership below. If you do not find the information that you want then email: We hope that you find this a useful resource.
Who is the web site open to? is open to former pupils of Chatham House, Clarendon House and Chatham and Clarendon Grammar School. Family and Friends of Chatham and Clarendon Grammar School are also able to register.
How do I become a member of the Old Ruymians Club?
All you need to do is to complete the registration form and tick the box that says that you would like to become a member. The Club's Hon. Secretary will then send you the banking details of the club so that you can set up an annual standing order for £15 (Fifteen pounds) to be paid on 1st June each year.
Do I have to be a member to use the web site?
It is not necessary to be a paid up member to use the web site, although some areas will be restricted to signed-up members.
Do I have to be a paid up member to attend your events?
We do not insist that you are a paid up member to attend our social events. However, please bear in mind that the modest contribution of £15 per year helps us make regular donations to the school, subsidise some of our events and maintain the web site.
How do I remove my details from the web site?
If you have registered with the website and have logged in, simply choose the logout option from the navigation bar and you will be taken to the logout page. In the bottom right-hand corner of this page is a "Delete Account" link which will remove your personal details and any comments that you may have made on the site.
How do I make a contribution to the web site?
If you have registered as a user, then you can make comments on the articles published on the web site. Your first comment will be approved by the webmaster and subsequent comments will be published automatically subject to being appropriate. If you have an article or news item that you think would be interesting to publish then please contact