Back Row: Al Scott, Bob Green, Colin Harris, John Knight, Bob Haynes, Clive Cant, Tony Debling, Tim Dunkerley Front Row: Phil Stevens, Dave Miller, Tim Dixon, Martin Gilham, Martin Davis [ … ]
Wing Cdr John Gritten
Pete Somerfield has just informed me of the recent death age 71 of retired Wing Commander John Gritten, who succeeded me as Head of School in 1964/5. The notice was [ … ]
Christopher Charles Templeman Forde
Christopher Charles Templeman Forde (1944 – 2018) Co 1954 – 62 OR’s particularly those who were at school in the 50’s and early 60’s will be saddened to learn [ … ]
Ann Peerless
Mrs. Ann Peerless passed away on 19 November 2016. Ann taught Art at Clarendon House School from 1979 to 2000. For most of this period she was based on the [ … ]
Arthur Lewis Thomas Centenary
Dear Everyone, 24th April 2018 is the centenary of the death of Arthur Lewis Thomas in The Somme and as a former Head of Thomas’ House from 2001 – 2011 [ … ]
Old Ruymians Golf Day Friday 20th April 2018
Nicol Holladay, Antony Nicolaou, Peter Arnold In a break with tradition, the Old Ruymians ninth annual golf day ventured outside of the Isle of Thanet and was hosted at the [ … ]
Old Ruymians v School Cricket 2018
We do not have a ‘blow by blow’ report, but sadly the ORs lost to the School this year. The ORs team consisted of:- Luke Palmer (captain), Chris Ross, Andrew [ … ]
Music stands firm at CCHGS
This picture shows John Copeland and Janet Hughes presenting a small cheque to Sue Hurrell for the music stands that you can see in the foreground. These are professional quality [ … ]
Old Ruymians Dinner 2018
Your previous committee were very busy leading up to this year’s AGM and Reunion Dinner, updating all the paperwork and planning how to notify the membership as efficiently and cost [ … ]
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
“On behalf of the Chatham and Clarendon’s new Duke of Edinburgh Award Centre, I would like to thank you very much for the generous donations you made to us. [ … ]
Ruym Online Edition Launched
For those of you who were not taught by Cecil Hogarth and for whom Latin does not come naturally, a translation will be provided in the next edition. Lorem ipsum [ … ]
AGM Saturday 30th June 2018
Opening and welcome address by the Chairman 13 OR voting club members attended the meeting, including the following committee members: President – Colin Harvey Chairman – Mike Tyrrell, Secretary – [ … ]
Letter from the chairman
An offer of assistance to Mike Tyrrell has propelled me into the Chair of the Club. Something I had not anticipated, but which after some deliberation, I accepted wholeheartedly. The [ … ]