Ahead of Schedule, our Hon Sec has just approved the proof copy of the Second Edition of his book, "The Chatham House Story" and it is in the process of gaining world-wide distribution via the usual outlets. Expanded, and with more detail and lots more photographs, the latest edition is now more than a 'coffee table' read! The First Edition (still available from Lulu) was 93 pages, but this Second Edition is now 151 COLOUR pages. Copies of the Second Edition, ISBN 978-1-326-87884-9, can shortly (4 - 6 weeks) be obtained from Lulu at £26.50 with a percentage of the profits going to the School.
The Second Edition will also be available shortly as a Hardback, suitable for the bookshelf, with a case-wrap glossy cover and 248 pages, ISBN 978-1-326-79558-0, for £46.