The Masters... Who'd like to put a date on this one? We're guessing 1955/58... Lots of familiar faces to us! A young Maurice Jordan, for instance. As usual, we'll leave it to YOU!!
The Club for 6th-Formers, Former pupils and Staff of Chatham House, Clarendon House and Chatham and Clarendon Grammar School
The Masters... Who'd like to put a date on this one? We're guessing 1955/58... Lots of familiar faces to us! A young Maurice Jordan, for instance. As usual, we'll leave it to YOU!!
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I think the photo was taken in the summer of 1955. I have spoken to one or two ORs who were at school that year and the late Ken Girkin (back row extreme left) commenced his first stint at the school in Sept 1954. The late Alan Boniface is not in the photo but my informants tell me that he joined the staff in Sept 1955. This would therefore date the photo to the summer term of 1955. I can name a good few of the personnel in the photo but there are a few who had retired or moved on before I became a first former in Sept 1956.
Incidentally, Ken Girkin left CHS for Wolverhampton GS in Summer 1959. He returned to Thanet in the Autumn term of 1962 as Senior Geography Master and also became Housemaster of Simmons.
John Stroud Si 1956-64